Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My 4 year old chiuhaha is losing her hair?

My 4 year old chiuahah is losing her hair. This has been going on for about 4 months now. I thought that she was just getting old and was shedding like crazy, but lately I realize that I think shes balding! We have been brushing her and cutting her hair nonstop but we continue to find chunks and CHUNKS of her hair all over the house. When you barely touch her or pet her, chunks of her fun fall into your hair. Even the hair thats on her head thats barrrrelly even there..if u barely touch it, it all comes out. I am VERY worried. This is not normal shedding. I have had her since she was 8 months old and she never shed like this. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!!! I'M SCARED! I can't afford expensive vet visits!! ANY ADVICE?

My 4 year old chiuhaha is losing her hair?

I am not a vet, but I've had Chihuahuas all my life. My first advice is to go to a vet. If you can't afford that, I would look up a reliable Chihuahua breeder to give you good advice.

Your Chi may have a food allergy. I would change his food to a Ultra premium dog food like INNOVA EVO. There are no grains in this food, and so hopefully the allergen will be missing in this food. Science Diet makes a WET food for dogs with allergies. I think they make the protein molecules non allergic, but you probably need a vets prescription to get it.

You might also check to see if your dog doesn't have any parasites. Do you use flea drops?

You might also try a peroxide based pet shampoo. That will help with staph germs and other skin conditions.

Please let us know what worked for you.

My 4 year old chiuhaha is losing her hair?

You have to find out what is causing the hair loss before you can fix it. It could be allergies, food, fleas,. One thing I wonder, is she a blue chihuahua. They often have a skin condition called alopecia. They can end up a;most bald. You should take her to the vet. Also has she had pups within the last few months? They "blow their coat" after whelping a litter. Some females lose more hair than others.

My 4 year old chiuhaha is losing her hair?

Try switching her to a better food with no fillers in it. Get a food that has no corn wheat or byproducts.You should get her some canidea or Innova dog food.But she does really need to go to a vet.

Added My Friend had the same problem after her chi had puppy's and the vet told her to give her dog fish oil capsule's half a day.My friends dogs fur has grown back .Its from having pups that is why the fur is falling out.put the fish oil in some wet food .That should help.

My 4 year old chiuhaha is losing her hair?

Is she scratching also? If so it could be hot spots and you would need to get a hot spot treatment from a pet store and switch to a high quality food, like Avo-Derm or Pinnacle (not part of recent recall). It could also be mange which should be checked by a vet they will probably have you give it a sulfur dip (smells really bad but works) I would find a low cost vet in your area and take her to. If your child was ill you would be at the doctor so as a responsible pet owner you should see a vet.

My 4 year old chiuhaha is losing her hair?

if she is bloody red nasty looking she may have the mange...if thats spelled she does have that ...HAVE HER DIPPED!!!!take it to the vet!!!!!

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