Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Major hair problem.?

Ok so i can only wash my hair once a week because it will dry out but when its dry there are no knots or anything, but when it gets wet there are so many that when i try to brush it out, prac tically all my hair falls out, my normally really thick hair is not super thin? What can i do and how do i fix this?

Major hair problem.?

use conditioner

Major hair problem.?

conditon hair and instead of brushing use a comb.

Major hair problem.?

use a good deep conditioner and use a wide tooth plastic comb while it is wet to comb out the tangles.

Major hair problem.?

Either get your hair deep conditioned or get hot oil treatments every week until your hair is better moisturized. Hair masques help also. Never try to brush you hair when it is wet. Use a wide toothed comb!

Major hair problem.?

first of all its not good for your hair anyway to brush it when its wet. It makes the hair more susceptible to breakage which is probably why you feel like you are losing a bunch of hair. If you absolutely HAVE to brush your hair when its wet use the widest toothed comb you can find and maybe try some leave in conditioner or strengthener or something. I know how you feel- my hair does that same thing

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