Sunday, July 26, 2009

Best way to get hair out of carpets?

I tired vacumming, but the hair gets stuck to the carpet and gets entangled in the vaccum cleaner's rotating brush. Please don't suggest I cut my hair %26lt;grin%26gt;. Any guidance?

Best way to get hair out of carpets?

I clean my vacuum after "every" use (cut the hair off the roll).

When I use my vacuum I use it (in small areas) on the setting that's the lowest so as to pick up all the hair. Occasionally, with regard to the carpet, I have it professionally cleaned, and in-between times I clean it myself with a brush, woolite in water, or spot clean it with foam Woolite. Maybe the reason your vacuum isn't picking up the hair is the bag is full. Change bags when the bag is half full. Or maybe you need a new vacuum, I don't know.

Best way to get hair out of carpets?

Get hardwood floors. Or pergo floors. Carpet will always be dirty, even if you get all the hairs out of it.

Best way to get hair out of carpets?

i'm not sure what it's called but my friend swears by it - it's that "as seen on t.v." rubber lookin broom thingy.

i need it too!

Best way to get hair out of carpets?

Invest in a good vacumn cleaner.

I have big dogs that are constantly shedding, plus my own hair is almost to the bottom of my back.

We invested in a $300 vacumn cleaner (one of those windtunnels) and it has made a big difference.

I used to have wood floors. They were o.k., but instead of hair on your carpet, its on the wood floors, so instead of vacuming, you'll be sweeping and mopping more often.

Best way to get hair out of carpets?

try to find a rubber broom, it is a broom for carpets expat it has rubber bristles. I have a number of animals and 3 Lady's living in my home and it gets all hair and lint out here is a link , if it dosent work just use yahoo shopping to look for a (rubber Broom) I have the sweepa-rubber broom myself and it works better than anything else I've tried.

Best way to get hair out of carpets?

I was forever finding human hair and cat hair on my carpets after I vacuumed and then I discovered Arm %26amp; Hammer with Pet Hair Release for Carpets. This stuff is awesome! You sprinkle it on the carpet and let it sit for 15 minutes then vacuum. You still need to clean the roller but at least the hair comes up. It has something in it to release the static electricity that keeps the hair in the carpet. It works on human hair just as well.

Case in point, I shined a flashlight under my king-sized bed and we had an incredible amount of hair underneath. (I have a long-haired cat who likes to hide underneath it.) Anyway, my husband and I took the mattress and box springs off so we could investigate. I sprinkled the Arm %26amp; Hammer all over the floor, waited the allotted time and then vacuumed. It was AMAZING to see the difference!

Also, if you want to just freshen up your carpets, merely sprinkling baking soda on it and then vacuuming helps as well.

On a side note, I used to have really long hair when I was younger and my mom used to make me clean the drains. It always looked like some animal died in the drain. Blech! Baking soda and white vinegar to the rescue for that one!

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