I have a lovely ragdoll cat but find her fine hair sheds easily and clings to everything. Can anyone suggest a useful gadget for removing it from furnishings etc. I brush her daily but the problem remains.
Cat hair everywhere.?
1. Brush your Ragdoll daily. Longhair cats require regular grooming.
2. Feed a quality diet. Helps eliminate shedding.
3. Get a vacuum cleaner with a small upholstery revolving brush head. These are the BEST. The Kenmore canister vacuums from Sears come with this additional attachment (sometimes included, sometimes an accessory) called the Power Mate Jr. It's awesome.
4. Go to Bed Bath %26amp; Beyond and look for this black rubber brush contraption. It works by static cling and is great for getting of the bulk of hair from the furniture (the Power Mate Jr. will take care of the rest).
5. Brush your cat some more! ;-)
Good luck! Ragdolls are the bomb!
Cat hair everywhere.?
Hope this helps!!!
Cat hair everywhere.?
I have the same problem (5 cats). I find that a lint brush (they have a sort of Velcro surface) works very well.
Cat hair everywhere.?
Sellotape works wonders.
Cat hair everywhere.?
You can buy those sticky roller things + refills from Wilkinsons. They're about 4-5 quid.
Cat hair everywhere.?
Use sticky packing tape.
Cat hair everywhere.?
I had a friend who took her cat outside to brush and comb it daily!
I wouldn't like to be outside when the temperature was around freezing.
You can buy a "sponge" at the pet store and it is around $5. You use it dry. I use that to go over my upholstered furniture, sometimes on their beds between washings, etc. It really picks up the hair well.
Cat hair everywhere.?
I have a Lhasa Apso and the same problem. I've tried all the gadgets listed, but the most effective way to remove the hairs is a damp cloth, or damp your hand and remove the hairs with your fingers.
Cat hair everywhere.?
wrapping cello tape or masking tape around your hand and stroking furniture and clothes works wonders as all hair sticks to your hand. alternatively you can buy lint rollers from most pet shops, which are basically thick rolls of tape on a handle. It is possible to buy refills once you have the the whole thing. these work just as well as the tape on hand trick. but are slightly more refined but as ever refinement comes at a price.
Cat hair everywhere.?
Gerbilfan uses the same as my partner. They work on curtains, clothing and other furnishings.
Cat hair everywhere.?
Buy a cheap big roll of wide masking or package tape. Make a loop (adhesive out) big enough to stick your hand inside and roll across the surface. Also you could mix a small amount of fabric softener with water and lightly spray fabric and carpet to reduce static cling (test to make sure colors won't bleed). It will be easier to vacuum, brush, or roll the hair off.
Cat hair everywhere.?
Use a clothes brush - I used to use one for my cat's bedding, it would remove the majority of the hair.
Cat hair everywhere.?
me too-and her fur is WHITE and my furniture is dark! swifter works great on the floor and I spray static guard on the micro fiber furniture so it helps-but i want it to stay on HER and not fall in the first place. does it shed all year or seasonally?
Cat hair everywhere.?
In uk tesco asda etc sell an ironing tool which is a sticky roller with replacement rollers for 鎷? ish work great for small areas. For carpets and sofas my hubby uses his trainers they work great, with very indented soles. He wears them and basically rubs the hair together it mats and can then be picked up or vacummed easily. How he came across this idea i don't know but as he does all the house work i trust his judgement on this one!!
Cat hair everywhere.?
laser hair removal? And a coat for winter?
Cat hair everywhere.?
there's something called a shreader , don't worry not as bad as it sounds! but its great for brushing out dead hair
Cat hair everywhere.?
I have a very fluffy cat. A damp cloth works well. The rollers with sticky sides work quite well. The vacuum with a motorised head on it works quite well. Giving the carpet a wash every so often also helps.
Cat hair everywhere.?
I use a handheld rechargeable vacuum cleaner.
Cat hair everywhere.?
I have a lovely rubber bristle brush that works great
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