Mine is 10 and we're not over this stage yet!!! God help us all..
I was feeling like I was nagging her constantly so I made her a morning check list. It worked for a while...and now I have no idea where the list is...I think I'll make another today!
I'm thinking this is just a phase. My daughter could really care less about anything related to personal hygene. Her new thing is to not wear socks :| ...She has stinky feet! lol
I told her this morning, if I catch her trying to sneak out to school without socks again, no webkinz for a week. I'll let you know how that goes...
I've wondered if this is more of a problem for tomboys (that's my daughter) My other daughter(5) is more of a girly girl and she does all of these things without asking.....
I'm betting once she starts noticing boys a little more she takes better care of herself and I can relax a little. I have no help to offer but I wanted to let you know that you're not alone! Good luck! :)
Has anyone had trouble with their 9 yr. old little girl brushing her teeth and hair?
I have an eight year old neice, she lives with her father. I sometimes see her in the morning before she goes to school; her hair is uncombed 90% of the time, even when i brush it for her and style it, she still manages taking her hair accessories out. But when I let her buy and choose what she wanted to put in her hair and what style she wanted, she started liking having her hair fixed. If your little girl does not care about brushing her teeth or hair, then the simplest thing you can do is buy her a new toothbrush, hair brush, and things of the sort. If she likes it enough,maybe she will actually use it.Lol, thats my theory. Hope it helps^-^
Has anyone had trouble with their 9 yr. old little girl brushing her teeth and hair?
I think most kids have a time where they balk at doing this. Tell her that if she refuses to brush her teeth that she loses privileges, and that if she won't brush her hair you will make her get it cut really short. Most girls like having long hair so that might get her to brush it.
Has anyone had trouble with their 9 yr. old little girl brushing her teeth and hair?
My daughter is clean in every other aspect except for brushing her teeth . She says the toothpaste makes her gag . They are kids and will outgrow these things ,we did right.
Has anyone had trouble with their 9 yr. old little girl brushing her teeth and hair?
It's the age. Kids go through a stinky phase. (Some do it again in their early teens.) Consistency in morning and evening hygiene routines will help but it may be a struggle for a while until they develop better personal habits w/o parental supervision.
Has anyone had trouble with their 9 yr. old little girl brushing her teeth and hair?
I remember being a 9 year old girl!! the last thing I ever wanted to do was brush my hair or teeth!!!
I'd sit with your daughter and explain that you understand that she doesn't want to do these things, (someday she will) and that you want to make a deal with her. Ask her what rewards she might want for every day she does her hair and teeth. (rewards don't have to be big, but good enough to reinforce her until she is interested). Good luck!
Has anyone had trouble with their 9 yr. old little girl brushing her teeth and hair?
Its the age.. some kids are reluctant to do these things still.
i still have to brush my 8 year olds teeth half of the time.. esp if i want his teeth really clean.. he gags on the toothpaste too. just be patient and keep helping her.. goodluck..
Has anyone had trouble with their 9 yr. old little girl brushing her teeth and hair?
when i was little i hated brushing my hair and teeth. my dentists gave me a glow in the dark toothbrush. iloved it. now for my hair i hate wearing my hair up. i just have plain straight hair. i'll always make sure i dont have majoree rats
Has anyone had trouble with their 9 yr. old little girl brushing her teeth and hair?
This is not uncommon at all . My daughter is only 5 but I wirk at Bath %26amp; Boday Works and customers come in allllll the time and talk about this so do not feel that it is just you and your daughter going thru this . There is an American Girl book called The Care and Keeping of You . I highly recommend it . It explains why these things are important in terms that little girls can understand . It also goes over quite a few other things such as their body changes and has a lot of positive feel good about your stuff in it ! I am sure it is available at all Bath %26amp; Body Works and probaly on the American Girl website as well .
Has anyone had trouble with their 9 yr. old little girl brushing her teeth and hair?
teeth no but the hair yes she screams as shes tenderheaded so she hates it brushed
Has anyone had trouble with their 9 yr. old little girl brushing her teeth and hair?
try having a 12 year old with that problem like i do.
Has anyone had trouble with their 9 yr. old little girl brushing her teeth and hair?
I don't think I brushed my hair much when I was 9 years of age. Just let her be carefree...she'll probably start being more self-conscious about it when she's a teenager.
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